Having reviewed the force’s financial position, in common with many forces, North Yorkshire Police have decided to cease the existing Police Officer recruitment process and will not be recruiting Police Officers for the foreseeable future. We recognise that this news is disappointing for aspiring police officers with current applications pending, all of whom have by now received a letter informing them of the situation.
Continue reading North Yorkshire Police statement
Keeping your staff’s personal information safe onlineMedia law expert Cleland Thom warns of the dangers of mixing business with pleasure
Continue reading Keeping your staff's personal information safe online
London, 18 Oct 2010 – Britain has published it’s National Security Strategy (NSS) which aims to inform thinking and drive policy over coming years. The document categorises threats faced by the nation in tiers highlighting the level of severity, outlines actions to be taken to mitigate such threats and formed the background to the Strategic Defence Review (SDR).
Continue reading National security strategy emphasises need for coordinated approach to counter-terrorism
It’s been just two months since the country’s police officers were told by their bosses to stop harassing press photographers. Now we have AMBULANCE crews trying it instead. Editor Stuart Littleford was out filming with cameraman Paul Bridgeman in Manchester city centre on Saturday night and took shots of a man being put into an ambulance.
Continue reading Ambulance service harassing photographers
7th December 2010, The Barbican, London
A TARDIS-STYLE kiosk, which will provide residents with information and crime prevention advice, has landed in Preston city centre. Funded by the Safer Lancashire Board and Lancashire County Council, the kiosk is situated on Fishergate, outside the Cotswold Outdoor store.
Continue reading Tardis-style kiosk lands in Preston
A TEEN who refused to give police officers an encryption password for his computer has been jailed for four months. The case is believed to be the first of its kind in Lancashire. Oliver Drage, 19, formerly of Naze Lane, Freckleton, was arrested in May 2009.
A simple mistake caused by the recipient auto-complete function within an email client resulted in Gwent Police committing what has been referred to as the first major UK data security breach since the new regulations introduced by the Information Commissioner’s Office came into force in April this year.
Continue reading How many police officers does it take to email 10,000 criminal records to a journalist by accident?
Commenting on an attack by the TaxPayers Alliance on Police Community Support Officers, based on North Wales police unsolved crime figures, UNISON National Officer for Police Staff, Ben Priestley, said:
-Following an incident that occurred within the custody suite at Melksham Police Station in Wiltshire 2 years ago a 57year old woman prisoner sustained an injury to her face. The court was told at an earlier hearing that on 4th July 2008 the woman had been taken to the Police Station after being arrested for failure to provide a breath test.
Continue reading Custody Sergeant sentenced
A 22-year-old man has admitted throwing the single punch that led to an Oldham man’s death.
Continue reading Man sentenced after one-punch death
A pet goat has had its horns ripped from its head and left in agony with broken and dislocated legs in what is being described as a barbaric and sickening attack. The goat known as ‘Sid’ was attacked late on Thursday night and found in his field early on Friday morning in agony.
Continue reading Pet goat tortured in brutal and sickening attack
Police in Leigh are investigating after two flagpoles were stolen from the cenotaph in Leigh, Greater Manchester. Between midnight on Friday 6 August 2010 and 6.30am on Tuesday 10 August 2010, the flagpoles were stolen from the war memorial on Church Street.
Continue reading Thieves steal flags from war memorial
Overtis , vendor of VigilancePro, user activity management software, has announced a new Protective Marking feature to identify files that hold confidential information. The new feature has been developed in response to requests from UK police forces, to help them to comply with Management of Police Information Guidance published by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) on behalf of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO).
Continue reading Overtis secures protectively marked Police files
On Thursday 26 August officers from Bedfordshire Police will be starting a course to teach them some simple Polish phrases.
Continue reading Bedfordshire police to learn Polish
An IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) survey, released today, found that most people agree with the government’s policy to reduce safety camera funding, even though a significant majority are supportive of cameras in principle.
Continue reading Drivers conflicted over cameras
‘Whilst there are areas for improvement in the current policing arrangements, I am extremely sceptical that USA-style elected commissioners and an FBI-esque National Crime Agency are the answer to our problems. I have no axe to grind with the US or its system of government, but I do know its different from the UK, and not everything from across the Atlantic can be imported and transplanted here.
Continue reading Chair of Police watchdog: Can anyone tell me what is so fundamentally wrong with the British Model of Policing?
Inspector Tracy Day of Bedfordshire Police has won two competitions in the Bluelight Horse of the Year Show held at Aintree Racecourse over 23rd July 25th July.
Continue reading Police Rider Wins At Bluelight Horse of the Year
Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell, who is also the Association of Chief Police Officers’ Finance and Resource portfolio lead, said:
Continue reading Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell comments on the budget
i2, the leading provider of intelligence and investigation software, has formed a formal partnership with leading risk intelligence specialist, World-Check. As a result, i2 customers can benefit from the ability to access highly structured information and create actionable intelligence faster. A new solution was announced here today at i2’s Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) User Conference.
Continue reading i2 and World-Check Combine World-class Analytical Tools with World-class Intelligence
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