GPSJ WINTER 2024-2025

March 2025


Alert Technology launches ‘ALERT PureAir’ – a new virus-killing purification unit to celebrate “Clean Air Day” 8th October

Alert Technology Ltd, is excited to announce the launch of their new Alert PureAir R150 unit

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is a growing environmental health and wellbeing risk faced by most building occupiers today. Recognised as one of the largest environmental risks we face by WHO (World Health Organisation) – it is known that general air pollution causes over 3 million deaths globally per year and 3 million lost working days in the UK.

It appears there’s little reprieve indoors either, with UK campaigners calling our highly insulated, poorly ventilated, energy efficient homes and buildings “toxic boxes” where the air inside can be up to 3 times worse than outside.[1] Air pollution contributes to lung cancer, asthma, allergies, cognitive impairment and mental health issues and the negative impact of poor IAQ or ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ is just as worrying – long term damage is being caused to our health, wellbeing and productivity and as Europeans spend 90% of their time indoors, improving our indoor air quality is a major issue.

Clean Air Day falls this year on 8th October 2020 and is in its fourth year as the UK’s largest air pollution campaign. Led by Global Action Plan, its objective is to bring communities, businesses, schools and the health sector together to raise awareness of how air pollution impacts our health and how we can all work together to tackle it. To learn more about Clean Air Day and what you can do, visit their website

In recognition of Clean Air Day, Devon-based company Alert Technology Ltd, is excited to announce the launch of their new Alert PureAir R150 unit – the ultimate in air purifying technology as part of their ongoing commitment to safe air and safe working environments.

The Alert PureAir R150 eliminates 99.995% of particles passing through its multi-stage sanitising process. Using medically proven UVC technology, superior HEPA-14 filters and fully programmable controls, it changes the air in a room of 150m3 up to 7 times per hour providing clean, safe, virus-free air.

Alert Technology believe there is no better way to demonstrate your commitment to the health and safety of your people than the strategic placement around your premises of air cleaning purifiers (of the correct capacity), like the Alert PureAir R150 unit. 

Mr Alan Archer, CEO of Alert Technology Ltd says, “As the UK reaches ~50,000 COVID-19 attributed deaths, and approaches the winter flu season, for businesses trying to safely encourage the return of their employees and customers it has never been more important to provide a clean and safe environment to live, work, and breathe.”

Mr Archer goes on to highlight, “Recent evidence that the coronavirus can remain suspended in the air for some hours[2], means we have to fundamentally change our tactics for reducing transmission rates in crowded, closed or poorly ventilated settings. Studies show even a small increase in long-term exposure to pollutants such as fine dust can increase the COVID-19 mortality rates by up to 8%[3].”

The Alert PureAir R150 unit filters out airborne pollutants such as dust, allergens, aerosols, moulds, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and its UVC light sterilisation kills airborne bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19. It is also effective at removing strong odours with the addition of an optional extra carbon filter.

Air purification is already widely adopted within the healthcare sector. The wider implementation of air filtration and purification across all sectors will help reduce risk, demonstrating that the duty of care to provide a safe environment for people to live and work in a post lockdown world is being fulfilled.

For more information on the Alert PureAir R150, please contact:  Loretta King, COO, Alert Technology Ltd  |  Email:   | Tel: 01803 546262

[1] Source: Study by Francesca Dominici, Director at Harvard Data Science Initiative
[3] Source: Study by Francesca Dominici, Director at Harvard Data Science Initiative

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