Thatcham Research has launched its cutting-edge EV Safe training to help the public sector prepare for the unique safety challenges presented by electric vehicles (EVs).
EV Safe is a comprehensive training program designed to ensure the safety of key workers who interact with High Voltage (HV) vehicles as the volume of EVs on the road continues to grow, and the public sector increasingly supports their introduction via the UK Government’s EV infrastructure strategy. Emergency service trusts are also more widely adopting EVs as part of their diverse fleet of response vehicles.
The two-day in-person course is designed for public sector teams and equips participants with the skills and knowledge to safely shut down and reinstate HV vehicles. This training goes beyond repair-related aspects and focuses on creating awareness of safe handling requirements across electrified fleets.
During the training, delegates will learn how to identify the different types of EVs, from full Battery Electric Vehicles to Hybrids, and the different handling requirements for each. The program addresses potentially dangerous scenarios encountered by public sector workers. This includes first responders arriving at the scene of a road traffic collision involving EVs. While EVs are designed with safety in-mind, it is important for first responders to fully understand how to safely approach and handle a crashed EV.
From knowing how to isolate and shut down the HV system, correctly identify whether the leak is electrolyte or coolant, or determine whether an EV is at risk of ignition, EV Safe is designed to provide first responders with the knowledge required to keep themselves and the public safe.
The training is also applicable for Border Force and police who need to be aware of safe handling considerations while searching EVs, including the importance of using appropriate PPE.
With access to the very latest automotive equipment, technology, and repair techniques, and boasting high-quality qualified instructors and their Automotive Academy, Thatcham Research is uniquely positioned as an industry leader to keep those who work with EVs safe.
Dean Lander, head of repair sector services, Thatcham Research, said: “As EVs become increasingly present on UK roads, with significant buy-in from public sector organisations, it’s more important than ever for businesses to ensure the safety of their staff.
“With this in mind, I am pleased to announce the launch of our EV Safe training, the latest addition to our suite of EV training programmes.
“Course content is sourced directly from our research facility and the insights that come from our state-of-the-art vehicle-led research. It is essential that our vital public sector and emergency services key workers complete this course to equip themselves with the knowledge to protect themselves and the public when interacting with EVs.
“As electrification technology continues to be embraced on our roads, we must ensure that steps are taken now to properly equip staff across the UK with the knowledge to keep them safe when interacting with these vehicles.”
To learn more about EV Safe, including course booking information, please visit the Thatcham Research website:
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