FINAL GPSJ Summer edition 2024 ONLINE VERSION.2pdf

September 2024


Winvic Joins the Advisory Board of the Westminster Policy Liaison Group on ESG as the Voice of Construction

Winvic Construction Ltd, a leading main contractor that specialises in the design and delivery of private and public sector construction and civil engineering projects, has been invited to join the Advisory Board of the Policy Liaison Group (PLG) on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), as the sole main contractor representing the construction industry. This cross-party forum, based in Westminster, will benefit from Winvic’s industry expertise and leadership in advancing ESG initiatives.

Arun Thaneja, Winvic’s Technical Services and Sustainability Director – who last year supported the development of the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) guidance on carbon offsetting and associated carbon pricing to support the shift towards Net Zero buildings – will lead Winvic’s attendance at regular roundtables. He will be supported by Heidi Salmons, Winvic’s Head of Marketing, Communications, and Social Responsibility, who will bring valuable insights on the Social aspects of ESG to the discussions.

Winvic will play a pivotal role, joining the roundtables with ministers, parliamentarians, regulators, standard-setters, NGOs and academics that the PLG organises, contributing to bridging the knowledge gap in ESG among parliamentarians and advancing the ESG and sustainability agenda in Parliament. Discussions will inform key government figures, maintaining the legacy of being one of the most prominent cross-party groups in Westminster.

A place on the Advisory Board means that Winvic will have the opportunity to shape future topics for discussion and make recommendations to parliament as well as shape topics for reports and influence the Decarbonisation Strategy to meet the current 2030 target in The Labour Party manifesto.

Bridging the wider corporate world and that of parliament, the PLG’s strategic objectives include identifying and proposing policy solutions for the challenges that companies and investors face when adopting and applying ESG principles and frameworks. The group also aims to align commercial strategies and public sector objectives, such as achieving net zero, reducing biodiversity loss, ensuring a Just Transition and amplifying diversity, equity and inclusion.

By supporting the development and implementation of effective, low-burden reporting requirements and showcasing how ESG frameworks and principles can enhance business resilience and lower investors’ exposure to risk, the PLG will help the UK become a global green finance centre and an ESG leader.

Arun Thaneja, Winvic’s Technical Services and Sustainability Director, said: “It’s an honour for Winvic to be invited to join the Advisory Board of the Policy Liaison Group on ESG. Having a seat at the table will allow us to share our expertise, influence cross parliamentary discussions and collaboratively find solutions to ESG challenges and I’m optimistic that Winvic will gain fresh and innovative insights from other industry experts on the Advisory Board.

“As the only construction contractor to join this significant cross-party forum, we are committed to representing the industry positively and honestly. We view this role as both a privilege and a responsibility. We will leverage our extensive knowledge and passion to help advance the ESG and sustainability agenda in Parliament, with the goal of strengthening the UK’s position as an ESG and sustainability leader globally.”  

Heidi Salmons, Head of Marketing, Communications & Social Responsibility added: “Winvic has consistently been at the forefront of ESG initiatives in the industry, and we are eager to contribute our expertise to the PLG. We are particularly passionate about highlighting the Social aspect of ESG, underscoring the importance of a Just Transition to ensure that no one is left behind as we work towards a more sustainable future. We look forward to supporting the PLG’s mission to help parliamentarians understand ESG, and how frameworks, metrics, practices, and approaches can drive both environmental and social impact, while also securing a more stable and efficient business climate through effective corporate governance.”

For more information on Winvic, the company’s latest project news and job vacancies please visit Join Winvic on social media – visit X (formerly Twitter) @WinvicLtd – and LinkedIn

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