Can you tell us about SWSC?
SWSC is an internationally recognised high security printing and identity management solutions provider with a range of award-winning products including passports, identity cards, excise stamps, birth and education certificates. For government and public sector organisations our solutions help secure borders, protect citizens, prevent fraud, generate revenue and enable delivery of frictionless services to citizens. We are a Smurfit Westrock company and can leverage our parent company’s strong international presence and infrastructure.
Where do you operate?
Our head office is in Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. We honed our skills and expertise on award winning projects including the Irish Passport and we provide
The Revenue Commissioners (Revenue), the Irish Government agency responsible for customs, excise, taxation and related matters, with tobacco excise stamps – a contract we have held for over 20 years. We now support organisations around the world with current clients in the UK, Europe, Africa, the Middle and Far East and South America.

What should governments and public sector organisations be aware of?
With the imposition of stricter security regulations and standards globally in recent years, the challenge to provide trustworthy security documents is greater now than ever before. As secure printing technology has improved, so too has the sophistication of the forger, meaning there is an ongoing need to find new ways to protect these documents. Fraud and related counterfeiting is increasingly commonplace often using identity documents such as birth and education certificates.
In addition, the whole world is changing, and every organisation is in the midst of digital transformation as international communities become more connected. Many of the products we supply are still paper based, but the increasing use of mobile digital wallets and online verification is slowly taking the place of physical documents, and we are at the heart of that evolution. Currently the world is straddling both the physical and the digital with different regions at different stages and we need solutions for both.
Why is SWSC a good fit for government and public sector?
We have worked with governments and public sector organisations for over 30 years supporting ambitious programmes of reform in this challenging and ever-changing sector. We understand the unique culture and business processes; the importance of social value; as well as the requirement for accountability and transparency.
Our solutions, which are designed to make the world a safer place, help to protect against criminal elements. We keep up to date with the latest fraud and counterfeit trends, designing products to combat future attacks and address the ever-improving technological techniques used by ‘bad actors’. Our in-depth understanding of data and brand protection is also integral to this. We are meeting today’s challenges head on, leaning on the foundations of our security printing traditions and driving a long-term future into digitised solutions and services.
Finally, tell us what is important to your business.
As a responsible organisation we are committed to strong ESG standards, as part of Smurfit Westrock’s ‘Purpose’ initiative to create, protect and care. This means doing the right thing for our people, communities and the environment, through products and processes that make a real difference for customers and across the entire value chain. Our people are at the heart of our operation and the company is passionate about their wellbeing, which is reflected in the high levels of staff retention resulting in a highly experienced and knowledgeable team enabling consistently high levels of service delivery.
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