GPSJ WINTER 2024-2025

March 2025


Agilisys Appoints Richard Walker as Partner for Data & Insights

Walker joins in the wake of rapid growth in healthcare and public sector

Agilisys, the digital transformation specialist for the public sector, today announced the appointment of Richard Walker as Partner for Data & Insights. The appointment supports Agilisys’ growth within healthcare and local government and reflects the crucial role

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allpay celebrates new contract with the NHS Business Services Authority

allpay has confirmed a contract with the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) to facilitate payment card top-ups to the digitised Healthy Start Scheme which will be launched in 2021.

Healthy Start is a statutory scheme which will be administered by the NHSBSA on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) from 2021,

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Keeping the nation’s cycleways and pathways clear and ice-free this winter has just got easier with the announcement of an exciting new winter services partnership.

This new venture between Safecote and Econ Engineering will provide local councils across the country with the equipment and materials to clear ice and snow on footpaths and cycleways more


New Rural Economy Toolkit to support “missed opportunity” around rural relevance to UK productivity and prosperity

The Institute of Economic Development (IED) and the Rural Services Network (RSN) have devised a new practitioner-focused toolkit which is intended as a guide for “anyone seeking to raise rural relevance in the economic agenda”.

The Rural Economy Toolkit, which is being launched on 12 November, is designed to ensure that rural areas are

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WPS to install ticketless parking in Woking Borough

Woking Town centre

WPS, one of the UK’s leading parking equipment providers, is helping Woking Borough Council to provide a seamless visitor and resident experience with a series of ticketless car park upgrades as a part of Woking town centre’s regeneration.

Central to each installation is the use of WPS’s leading-edge Automatic Number

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Carbon dioxide monitors could warn of unsafe Covid transmission indoors, scientists say

Steve Swinden, Flamefast CEO, with CO2 monitor

Reporter: Stacy Clarke

A report by Government scientists suggested that coronavirus could be checked using CO2 monitors.

As pupils and teachers return to classrooms after half term, major concern is currently being expressed throughout the UK for their health and safety and the threat of airborne

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Andy Kinnear joins Ethical Healthcare Consulting

Influential digital health leader joins growing not-for-profit consultancy committed to ‘making a difference to and for the NHS’

Andy Kinnear

Andy Kinnear is to join Ethical Healthcare Consulting, a growing community interest company that is proud to be the only not-for-profit digital health consultancy in the UK.

The former chair of

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Barnet Homes Launches In-house Repairs Team with Totalmobile to Improve Tenant Services

London housing association uses Totalmobile’s cloud-based job management solution Connect to power up a new in-house repairs service for residents

Totalmobile, the UK leader in Field Service Management software solutions, recently announced that it has provided the technology for Barnet Homes to successfully launch a new in-house repairs service that is dedicated to improving

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson and CDL Michael Gove spoke to 250 business leaders this afternoon

This afternoon, Prime Minister Boris Johnson and CDL Michael Gove spoke to 250 business leaders on preparing for the end of the transition period.

The Prime Minister thanked businesses for the huge efforts they have made so far this year, both to help with the coronavirus pandemic and to prepare for the end of the

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Prisoners to virtually consult NHS doctors under new national agreement

Prisons across England are being virtually connected to local hospitals by secure encrypted video, in a move that will reduce the need for prisoners to travel to receive specialist care

NHS England and NHS Improvement have signed a new national agreement that is rapidly connecting prisons in England with specialists in their local hospital through

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Keeping Apps on Track: The Business Case for Application Performance Management

Sascha Giese, Head Geek™, SolarWinds

By Sascha Giese, Head Geek™, SolarWinds

The U.K. public sector has never been more digital than it is now, and an increasing use of applications—both within organisations and for use by the general public—have allowed the sector to work more efficiently and provide better services. But, the more

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The impacts of planning reform on employment land

Stuart Hardisty

By Stuart Hardisty

Yesterday I spoke at the Westminster Briefing event on Planning Policy Reforms Under the New Government around the impacts of such reform on employment land, an issue I am firmly embedded in.

Three years ago I wrote a blog post setting out a series of risk factors

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The Prime Minister has set out new plans to Build Back Greener by making the UK the world leader in clean wind energy – creating jobs, slashing carbon emissions and boosting exports.

£160 million will be made available to upgrade ports and infrastructure across communities like in Teesside and Humber in Northern England, Scotland and


Social value success: Scottish agency set to expand with new appointment

Specialist social value agency, Samtaler, has appointed entrepreneur and former Vice Chair of Social Enterprise Scotland, Zahra Hedges, as its new director of operations.

The Scottish-based boutique agency has been experiencing a period of rapid growth in 2020 and has a solid roster of clients including Europe’s leading energy company, Vattenfall, as well as several

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Bristow & Sutor celebrate success of returning to enforcement

Bristow & Sutor, one of the UK’s leading players specialising in debt recovery, are meeting with more people now than before the coronavirus pandemic began. Despite not currently entering premises, contact rates have increased by 15% and Enforcement Agent (EA) payment results have shown an increase of 24%. The company believes this proves the majority

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RECCo announces Code Manager bid partners for delivery of consumer-focused approach to UK retail energy

Following a highly competitive procurement process, last week The Retail Energy Code Company (RECCo) announced the appointment of three new service providers to carry out the Code Manager function for the Retail Energy Code. RECCo is the corporate vehicle for ensuring the proper, effective, and efficient implementation and ongoing management of the Retail Energy Code

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InfoSaaS to make its solutions available free of charge to UKCloud customers in partnership agreement

InfoSaaS and UKCloud have signed a partnership agreement that will see InfoSaaS’s data security, risk management and compliance software solutions made available to UKCloud’s customers and partners, free of charge for the an initial six month period.

UKCloud’s customers and partners can now access InfoSaaS’s solutions supporting data security, risk management and general business compliance

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allpay and Blocser confirm card contract for fast-growing UK gig economy

Blocser believes cards still have a hold

Ambitious Danish fintech Blocser has partnered with top UK card manufacturer with designs on the fast-growing gig economy.

Blocser has pinned their Butterfly Card to one of its biggest market moves yet – the UK offer to the near 5million now estimated as working in

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New era begins for cross-party environment group

Anthony Browne MP

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Environment is ushering in a new era today, bringing in a new secretariat and an ambitious calendar of events ahead of the 2021 ‘Super Year’ for the environment. Led by a new cross-party committee chaired by Anthony Browne MP, the APPG is relaunching with

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Women’s Equality Day 2020: Let’s hear it for the girls!

This year, Women’s Equality Day celebrated its hundredth milestone, celebrating the date of which women in the US gained the right to vote for the very first time. Since 1920, the world has dramatically changed for women in every sector, from making strides in their education and in their work, to winning more nobel prizes

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