GPSJ WINTER 2024-2025

March 2025


Under the bonnet of the Green Book review: will this really “rip up the rules” on regional investment?

Simon Dancer

Green Book: if you’re a film buff, it represents the Oscar winning screenplay by Pete Farrelly. For medical folk, it provides the latest information on vaccines. But for us economic development professionals, the Green Book often means only one thing…how do I get my project approved?

When I was a young cub

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Statement on Police Scotland’s Proportionate Response to Crime pilot evaluation

In response to the publication of Police Scotland’s evaluation of the Proportionate Response to Crime pilot in the North East of Scotland, Justice Secretary Angela Constance said:

“Police Scotland have consistently stated that officers in the north-east will continue to investigate all reported crimes, with every case fully assessed and given a proportionate response

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Local Government Recruitment: Addressing Challenges and Proposing Solutions

By Rod McMillan, Marketing Manager, Monster UK

Rod McMillan

As we usher in 2024, local authorities across the UK find themselves at a crucial crossroads in the continually evolving employment arena. A Local Government Association survey reported last year that over nine out of ten councils were experiencing recruitment difficulties in at least one

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How to know your citizens (KYC) and prevent fraud

Autumn 2023 Cover story – by Barley Laing, UK Managing Director at Melissa

Barley Laing

The public sector has long been considered a soft target by fraudsters. This is backed up by data from the Cabinet Office which highlights that fraud and error in public spending are estimated to cost taxpayers up to £51.8

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