GPSJ WINTER 2024-2025

March 2025


Tough times for councils mean shared services must be the way forward

The stark economic challenges being faced by the UK public sector and local councils especially have been impossible to ignore recently. The sheer scale of the issue is becoming clearer over time with the Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities (SIGOMA) indicating

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Public sector contingent labour spend rises 20% post pandemic, reports Matrix

One of the UK’s leading providers of contingent labour on behalf of public sector organisations, Matrix, has seen its clients grow their investment in temporary and fixed-contract staff by a fifth since the end of the Covid pandemic.

The largest increases were seen in Qualified Social Care, where spending has risen by almost a third.

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It’s time to make a pre-emptive strike on poor health

Added Health – Dr Michael Stein (left) and Prof Chris Butler

The way we deliver healthcare in the UK has to change, says Dr Michael Stein, CEO of Added Health. He explains how advances in medical research and digital technology might now transform the lives of millions and save the NHS £billions.


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How new technology is resolving the costly data quality issues afflicting the public sector

Barley Laing

By Barley Laing, the UK Managing Director at Melissa

Evolving technology is driving efficiencies in processes and reducing costs across most sectors. The significant impact of this trend is quite apparent in the public sector, where budgets have fallen dramatically, or are being scrutinised. Whatever the reason – continued government borrowing,

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Public sector says collaboration, not duplication, is key to the future of innovation and productivity

Andrew Webber, Chief Marketing and Revenue Officer, at Whitespace

New research has revealed that increasing digital collaboration to reduce duplication across government, is seen by public sector organisations as the key to the future of innovation and productivity.

In a survey of over 100 senior leaders and managers, collaboration in the online environment

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Increasing children in care – the causes, the problems, and the solution

Danny Wilson, head of children’s residential at Bedspace

By Danny Wilson, head of children’s residential at Bedspace

Before the pandemic, Local Authorities in England were already under significant pressure, as budget cuts made the increasing number of children being put into care difficult to manage. Following nearly two years of Covid restrictions and

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Trueman Change are delighted to announce the launch of their new change methodology, derived from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – The Trueman Change Way. This is a people-first approach, created from the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and implemented into change accelerator programmes to ensure transformation can continue to happen faster and


Schools to benefit from ‘below-cost’ laptops for remote learning as they prepare for potential new year Omicron closures

No child is to be left behind says edtech charity LGfL

As the Omicron variant surges and schools nationwide prepare for further disruption, potential closures, and a possible return to remote teaching and learning in 2022, edtech charity LGfL-The National Grid for Learning is once again stepping up support by offering thousands of

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Unemployment during COVID: Kingston leads effort to boost local economy as unemployment triples

Kingston Council has outlined its work to boost the local economy as new figures reveal that the pandemic saw local unemployment almost tripled last year.

A report for the council’s Response and Recovery Committee this evening shows the number of local people claiming unemployment benefits shot up from 2,115 to 6,090 in the year to

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First acts of new Government must be to establish a Wales-wide Covid inquiry – Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price MS

First acts of new Government must be to establish a Wales-wide Covid inquiry – Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price MS

Responding to Boris Johnson’s announcement that a UK wide Covid inquiry will take place in Spring 2022, Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price MS said,

“One of the first acts of this Labour Welsh Government should

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Covid Safe Elections: Essex firm helping Local Authorities tick the right box

Essex based business,, have been busy supplying sneeze screens, information sticker packs and mobile temperature measuring equipment to authorities across the UK with a syndication of London boroughs recently buying over 1500 sneeze guards for the election and then increasing their order for use by staff in their offices too.

Neil Levett, Director of

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COVID-19 guidance on reducing risk in schools

Momentum growing in education sector for CO2 monitors

The Scottish Government is leading the call for increased usage of CO2 monitors in classrooms, to reduce the transmission of COVID, and protect pupils and teachers. Local authorities are being advised to learn from neighbouring authorities who already have the monitoring devices in place.

Recently published guidelines

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Carbon dioxide monitors could warn of unsafe Covid transmission indoors, scientists say

Steve Swinden, Flamefast CEO, with CO2 monitor

Reporter: Stacy Clarke

A report by Government scientists suggested that coronavirus could be checked using CO2 monitors.

As pupils and teachers return to classrooms after half term, major concern is currently being expressed throughout the UK for their health and safety and the threat of airborne

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