GPSJ WINTER 2024-2025

March 2025



Can you tell us about SWSC?

SWSC is an internationally recognised high security printing and identity management solutions provider with a range of award-winning products including passports, identity cards, excise stamps, birth and education certificates. For government and public sector organisations our solutions help secure borders, protect citizens, prevent fraud, generate revenue and enable


AXREM and BHTA name Highland as ‘Future of MedTech’ headline sponsor

Innovation in UK MedTech, and policy issues including regulation, integration, sustainability, and collaboration, will take centre stage at a new conference in May.

Hosted by trade associations AXREM and the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA), ‘The Future of MedTech – Innovating for Tomorrow’, will allow delegates to engage with speakers from the government, NICE,

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First ever Local Authority Digital Transformation Index furnishes councils facing change with critical data to inform their future technology plans 

FourNet’s digital channel map uncovers crucial demographic trends and analyses tech usage across every council area in England, Wales and Scotland

Alan Linter

The first ever Local Authority Digital Transformation Index (LADiT) has been unveiled today by customer experience and digital transformation specialists, FourNet, to assist councils – many of which are facing reorganisation, budget cuts

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Why “Best Practice” is Failing to Protect Personal Data: A Call for Data-Centric Security

The recent cyberattacks on London councils have exposed a fundamental weakness in today’s cybersecurity strategies. Despite organisations investing heavily in perimeter defences such as firewalls, anti-phishing measures, and zero-trust policies, cybercriminals continue to breach these barriers. The reason? Traditional best practices focus on keeping attackers out, rather than protecting what truly matters; the data

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Accelerating NHS digital maturity: Paper to digital is only the beginning for South Tees Hospitals

Digitised clinical noting at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is creating efficiencies for busy doctors and nurses. The trust’s CCIO Dr Andrew Adair, deputy CCIO Dr John Greenaway, and digital business change manager Niki Idle explain the impact so far and why this crucial component of digital transformation, delivered in partnership with Alcidion,

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Under the bonnet of the Green Book review: will this really “rip up the rules” on regional investment?

Simon Dancer

Green Book: if you’re a film buff, it represents the Oscar winning screenplay by Pete Farrelly. For medical folk, it provides the latest information on vaccines. But for us economic development professionals, the Green Book often means only one thing…how do I get my project approved?

When I was a young cub

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North Cumbria Integrated Care signs 10-year contract with Alcidion for Miya Precision EPR Platform

North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC) has signed a long-term agreement for use of the Alcidion Miya Precision platform, to provide an electronic patient record (EPR) for the trust. The trust joins two others in the region delivering benefits for patient care with the support of technology from Alcidion.

The modular EPR

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NHS: World’s largest quango scrapped under reforms to put patients first

Major reforms to empower NHS staff and put patients first Changes will drive efficiency and empower staff to deliver better care as part of Prime Minister’s Plan for Change Move will reduce complex bureaucracy and undo the damage caused by 2012 reorganisation

Reforms to reduce bureaucracy, make savings and empower NHS staff to

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Sodexo’s new data-driven reporting tool spotlights social value impact

Sodexo UK & Ireland’s Government business has today launched a new client-focussed, data-driven reporting platform to support its public sector clients define, track, measure and evidence the social value over the lifetime of client’s contract. 

Aligned to UN Sustainable Development Goals and nationally recognised methodologies for calculating Social Return on Investment (SROI), Sodexo’s

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Fusion21 announces suppliers appointed to £700m Workplace and Facilities Management Framework

Following a competitive tender process, Fusion21 is pleased to announce the suppliers successfully appointed to its national Workplace and Facilities Management Framework, worth up to £700 million over four years.

A total of 45 specialist firms – 40% being SMEs, have secured a place on the framework – now in its third iteration due

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Voicescape launches new income recovery software

Voicescape will launch a breakthrough income recovery solution for social landlords and local authorities in April 2025, representing a major step change in the way unsecured debt from tenant repayment agreements is managed across the sector.

Agreements Manager has been developed by the specialist software business in partnership with customers, to enable social

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Welsh Slate to supply rock armour for Kinmel Bay sea defence project

Rock armour from a Welsh Slate quarry is helping to keep local people safe.

Granite from Welsh Slate’s historic Ffestiniog quarry in north Wales is helping to bolster vital sea defences at Kinmel Bay 40 miles away.

Some 2,000 tonnes of the stone are being hauled every week for Conwy County Borough Council’s £13

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UK Policy Change Needed to Help People with Multiple Sclerosis Access Medical Cannabis

As March marks Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Month, new research from Zerenia Clinic, a specialist UK medical cannabis clinic, reveals a growing demand for policy change to improve access to medical cannabis treatments for those suffering from MS and other chronic conditions.

A nationwide survey conducted by Zerenia Clinic highlights strong public support for

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New UK-made space system to help protect military satellites

Innovative UK-made tech will help the military monitor space following a new £65m deal agreed today, in British Science week.   

The Borealis command, control and data processing system will help the UK military the UK Space Agency to better monitor and protect satellites, through new software which compiles and processes data from multiple sources,

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HJK Construction’s Elli Kiely Champions Female Careers in Construction as the Decline in Housebuilding Grows

With women making up only 14% of the 2.1 million people working in UK construction and just 2% of SME housebuilding businesses owned and run by women, HJK Construction is helping to make the industry more accessible to women.

Elli Kiely

Elli Kiely, Design & Innovation Director, at HJK Construction has been appointed

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Today, Quantum Trilogy launches to deliver mission-critical and agile solutions aligned to urgent government requirements. Its new and pioneering approach proves essential for high-profile organisations worldwide, such as militaries, governments, and national security organisations.

Quantum Trilogy is adopting an optimal sourcing strategy to develop vendor-agnostic, custom-built secure technology that accurately meets an organisation’s unique


Fusion21 invites bids for £175 million Construction Consultancy Services Framework

Fusion21 has announced the renewal of its national Construction Consultancy Services Framework, worth up to £175 million over four years, and is now inviting bids from interested suppliers providing regional, or national coverage.

The national procurement specialist is looking for expert and professional consultants operating in the public sector – including SMEs, to provide

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Struggling parents receive essential clothing and nappies for newborns in scheme funded by the Fusion21 Foundation

London-based baby bank charity Little Village has received £105,000 in funding from the Fusion21 Foundation towards its maternity packs project. These packs contain supplies of great quality, pre-loved clothing and nappies for families in need of emergency financial support for their newborns. The packs are distributed to maternity units at hospitals across London, giving

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Calling for regulations for the cosmetic surgery industry

Introduction to Regulations in the Cosmetic Surgery Sector

By kagan seymenoglu, CEO of Longevita

The cosmetic surgery industry has seen remarkable expansion in the last few years, not least because of technological advances and changing attitudes – there is no longer a stigma around such treatments.

kagan seymenoglu

However, this surge in demand hasn’t been

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Whose Responsibility Is It To Build Housing Communities For The Future?

By Elli Kiely, Design & Innovation Director, HJK Construction

As an SME house builder in the North of England, we at HJK firmly believe that the responsibility for building sustainable, vibrant communities requires a fully collaborative effort. In this article, we’ll look at the various bodies that can work together to help create such

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