GPSJ WINTER 2024-2025

March 2025


Hubbub announces new £200,000 fund to encourage creative solutions to tackling food waste

Environmental charity Hubbub is on the hunt for new creative solutions to food waste, which could be boosted by its new Eat It Up fund, launching today, with applications open until 21 July.

According to WRAP, 6.4 million tonnes of edible food is wasted each year in the UK retailers, manufacturers, caterers, restaurants and in

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In The Loop: New funding available to boost recycling on-the-go

Environmental charity Hubbub and McDonald’s have launched a new #InTheLoop grant fund to help local authorities and other interested organisations boost out-of-home recycling in public spaces.

The #InTheLoop fund will support two new projects to introduce or improve their recycling infrastructure using the #InTheLoop toolkit. This in-depth guide on how to roll out a successful

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Keep Britain Tidy calls for collective action to move people beyond recycling and onto waste prevention

New research from environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy reveals a major barrier to driving urgently needed waste reduction and reuse behaviours is a fundamental misunderstanding amongst the public of what waste prevention actually means.

Under the waste hierarchy (more commonly communicated to people as ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’), recycling is important, but reduce and reuse sit

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CIEH Urges Caution on Monthly Bin Collection Plans

An increased risk of fly-tipping

Reporter: Stuart Littleford

With news that local authorities in Wales are considering plans to collect domestic waste just once every four weeks, the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) has urged caution and asked for decision makers to consider the implications.

Under European Union targets the United Kingdom

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Parks and green spaces contract set to be taken over by council company

THE contract to maintain Liverpool’s parks and green spaces is set to be handed to the council-owned company which operates the refuse, recycling and street cleansing service.

A report to the Cabinet on Friday 27 October is recommending that Liverpool Street Scene Services Limited – a wholly owned Local Authority Trading Company (LATco) – takes

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